Published on: 14 August 2024

  • Bob with Digital Trainers Orla and LucyFree digital skills workshops are available this September in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cannock and Stafford.
  • Just bring along your phone or tablet and our digital trainers will answer your questions.

The Digital Training Team from Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust will be delivering digital skills workshops in collaboration with Digital Poverty Alliance to help local people learn the basics of technology, such as how to make a call or text, how to securely navigate the internet and how to download the NHS app.

The team, also known as the Digital Angels, are building on the success of workshops they deliver to help older members of the community build their confidence in the use of technology.

After finding out about the workshops through Age UK, 77 year old Bob has been a regular attender. Following the loss of his wife, Bob wanted to learn how to use technology to make new friends, learn how to cook himself healthy meals and to use online banking. Bob also hoped to use technology to learn how to train his rescue dog, Shep.

Bob had an old iPhone of his wife’s but didn’t know how to use it. Along with learning how to use a touch screen mobile and tablet Bob wanted to know how to keep himself safe online.

The Digital Training Team were pleased to teach Bob the digital skills they knew he would heavily benefit from in his search for independence.

Lucy Roberts, Digital Skills and Business Change Specialist Lead at MPFT, explained: “After attending our workshops, Bob can now confidently and safely use touch screen technology and navigate the internet.

“Bob has been able to learn how to cook simple but healthy meals for himself by watching YouTube videos and he’s been attending social groups that he found online. Shep the dog has had training sessions with a local trainer that Bob found on the internet, which he supports with YouTube tutorials. With the assistance of the team, Bob has also been able to save himself some money by renewing his passport online.

“Bob now has a newer model mobile phone and can use this for text messaging and to call himself a taxi when out and about. His confidence has grown so much since he came to the first session; using touch screen technology was very alien to Bob but he has come on leaps and bounds.

“As well as learning these new skills, it has been lovely to see Bob come out of his shell and increase his social interaction, saving himself from becoming lonely and depressed.”

Bob plans to continue attending MPFT’s digital skills workshops to increase his skills and confidence even further. Bob said: “I am very impressed with all my tutors and with the training I have received, and this was vital because I had never used a mobile phone or a tablet before.”

Want to find out how MPFT’s Digital Training Team can help you? Drop in to a digital skills workshop near you:

  • Newcastle-under-Lyme Library, Castle House, ST5 1BL – 10 September, 10am – 3pm
  • Heath Hayes Library, 194 Hednesford Road, WS12 3EA – 11 September, 10am – 3pm
  • Rising Brook Library, Merrey Road, ST17 9LX – 12 September, 10am – 3pm.