Published on: 10 December 2024
Censeo is a digital platform that transforms how mental health assessments are conducted. Censeo, launched in April 2024 for our Mental Health Hub, enabling service users to complete a series of questions online via an SMS link. The platform uses advanced algorithms to generate clinical assessment reports, providing healthcare professionals with valuable insights for treatment planning and clinical decision support.
Following its launch, Censeo began a pilot in a GP setting in November 2024, aiming to enhance clinical decision-making and efficiency. Early feedback from patients and staff has been encouraging. Patients appreciate the platform’s flexibility, as it allows them time to thoughtfully reflect on their responses without the pressure of a face-to-face session. Healthcare staff report that the detailed patient overviews generated by Censeo have improved consultation quality.
Since its launch, 3,037 SMS messages have been sent to patients referred to the Mental Health Hub, achieving an impressive 65.3% questionnaire completion rate. The GP pilot, involving two practices, focuses on determining whether the platform can expedite care for high-risk patients, by prioritising them for secondary care ahead of standard primary care assessments.
We have also launched a patient portal called Patient Knows Best for our adult mental health service users. Since launching in November 2023 there have been over 8,300 patients register. The portal provides access to appointment information, clinical letters, mental health care plans, self-care materials, and questionnaires. This enables patients to have greater transparency and engagement in their care.
This digital transformation is part of a broader effort to enhance adult mental health services. It includes the development of a national-standardised Mental Health Care Plan that aligns with PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body) standards. This care plan has been built with service users, digital staff and clinicians in collaboration. The adult mental health care plan has been built in a way that ensures that it takes into consideration patients’ preferences, is flexible and personalised to deliver consistent and high-quality care.
The achievements of these initiatives will be showcased at the Mental Health Transformation Celebration event on the 6th December 2024. This event will highlight the collaborative efforts of service users, clinicians, and digital teams in reshaping adult mental health services.
With further evaluation, including a benefits analysis report by Michaela Kemp (for Censeo), Head of Quality for Mental Health for South Staffs, due in December 2025, the future of mental health services looks increasingly promising, driven by innovation and collaboration.