Children and Families Single Point of Access page thumbnail

The way Children and Families' services are accessed has been streamlined with the new Children and Families Single Point of Access (CaFSPA).

We have introduced a single telephone number (0808 178 0611) and email address ( This will ensure one place for children, young people, and families to find support for health and emotional wellbeing.

The initial services to be part of the Single Point of Access are CAMHS, Health Visiting and School Nursing, and Action for Children.

CaFSPA aims to simplify the way children, young people, their families or carers seek care, support, and guidance, while also streamlining how health and care professionals, alongside others can make a referral.

CaFSPA will triage information provided to understand the needs of the child, young person, and their families.

The team will make further contact with the young person or family if further information is required to identify a team best placed to offer appropriate support.

More teams will join the single point of access in the future.