Published on: 10 December 2024

Venn diagram showing engagement, clinical safety and benefits realisationBENEFITS REALISATION:

Managing Benefits Training for Digital Staff

A number of key MPFT digital staff have completed “Managing Benefits Training.” This training is designed to help get the best out of digital projects and systems. By undertaking this training, our staff can effectively track, measure, and maximize the value of digital investments. This is particularly significant as MPFT continues to invest in digital transformation. The ability to manage benefits ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that the organization reaps the maximum possible returns from its digital ventures. As a result, MPFT is well-positioned to get the best from digital technologies to improve patient outcomes, and drive sustainable growth.


Enhancing Clinical Safety in AI

A few MPFT staff members recently participated in “Assuring Clinical Safety Training in AI.” This training is crucial as it equips our team with the necessary skills to deploy AI technologies safely within clinical settings. By understanding the potential risks with AI use, our staff can ensure that patient safety remains paramount. This proactive approach continues with an A.I group being set up to help define where and how A.I should be used safely and appropriately. These activities strengthen our commitment to providing high-quality healthcare while maintaining stringent safety standards. Meanwhile the day-to-day work of digital clinical safety continues, with 10 systems having a full safety case done, resulting in 10 systems going live safely, since April 2024.

Women in tech posterAn inaugural forum started to inspire and support women interested in digital transformation. The Women in Tech group (W.I.T.) will meet monthly and hope to grow MPFT’s representation of women in digital roles. MPFT have a good record of employing a diverse workforce and which is shown by 48% of MPFT Digital staff being female.