The Trust’s exercise programme sits as part of the EPRR work plan. Its purpose is to support the embedding of training; and to test business continuity /incident response plans, arrangements and resources.
The Trust is required to undertake the following exercises:
- 6 months: Communications test.
- 12 months: Table top exercise.
- 3 years: Table top exercise
- 3 years: Live play exercise
Communications test
This test checks whether the organisation can contact key staff and other NHS and partner organisations, 24/7. Tests may be with or without warning and are scheduled to occur both in and out of hours. They include tests of telephone, email, paging and other communications methods in use such as ResilienceDirect.
Table top exercise
Table top exercises bring together relevant staff (and partners if appropriate), to discuss the response (or specific element of a response) to an incident. By working through a particular scenario, the group can validate new or revised plans while developing their own skills and understanding.
Live play exercise
The live play exercise is a live test of arrangements and includes the operational and practical elements of an incident response – for example, undertaking a mass evacuation.
If the Trust has to activate its Incident Response Plan (IRP) for a live incident, it can dispense with the need to run a separate live play exercise provided any lessons are identified and an action plan developed.
All NHS- funded organisations are expected to actively participate with exercises run by multi-agency partners where relevant to health.
Command post exercise
The command post exercise (CPX) tests the operational element of command and control. The Trust must set up the Incident Coordination Centre (ICC) and test equipment, facilities and processes. Within MPFT, the CPX is usually incorporated into other types of exercise, such as the communications exercise or live play exercises.
The Trust also takes part in both the Staffordshire Resilience Forum (SRF) and Integrated Care Board communications and activation exercises in order to test its arrangements for communication and information flow with multi-agency partners.
As with live play exercises, should the Trust activate its ICC in response to a live incident, it is not required to run a separate test.
The functionality of equipment in the main and back-up ICCs are maintained by the EPRR Team and tested quarterly.
Teams are expected to organise and run their own business continuity exercises (guidance and templates are available from the Trust's Business Continuity App). Trust-wide tests and exercises, or involvement in external tests and exercises, are coordinated by the EPRR Team on behalf of the AEO.