The NHS needs to be able to plan for and respond to a wide range of incidents and emergencies that could affect health or patient care.  These could include anything from extreme weather conditions and an infectious disease outbreak, to a major transport accident or even a terrorist act.  

As with every NHS-funded organisation, MPFT is therefore required to have in place arrangements are in place to deliver appropriate care and support to patients, staff and anyone else affected during an emergency or incident impacting on the Trust. 

This site has been designed by the EPRR Team to share information on how the Trust:

  • Prepares for the common consequences of emergencies
  • Its arrangements for responding to incidents and emergencies
  • How the Trust will respond to (and recover from) the most concerning risks in the National and Community Risk Registers; and
  • How we work with other agencies and organisations inside and out of the health sector to support community preparedness, resilience and response.

If you have any questions/suggestions, then please get in touch at