
  • MPFT Digital Strategy Themes Overview
  • Measures for Success

We have undertaken significant engagement to gain insight into what MPFT’s service users and staff need in order to access, deliver and transform our care services and business processes.

Without these essential conversations and survey feedback, we would not be able to present a fully informed value proposition.

From our robust engagement and research driven approach the themes and focus areas for our digital strategy became very clear, and much easier to co-design and prioritise with accuracy.

Over the following pages, the strategy provides insight into each of these digital strategy thematic areas, providing highlights from our transformation plan that will make these strategic ambitions a reality.

MPFT Digital Strategy Themes Overview

An evaluation from all of our engagement approaches, plus the guidance from National Strategies, highlighted key strategic priority themes for our strategy.

Measures for success

At the conclusion of each theme we highlight some areas where we will set out what our measures for success will be.

The following is a summary of our overarching measures for success for the strategy.


Now: Where we are at the moment

Our care pathways are not fully digitised

  • Service users are referred in multiple ways
  • It is not always clear where they are in their care pathway
  • It is not always clear who to contact
  • Information often needs to be repeated
  • There are technical limitations preventing a single care plan

Future: Where we want to be

Our service users and staff experience an NHS and social care that acts as one, working in seamless partnership with 3rd sector colleagues across all care settings through the processes we digitise

Measure: How we will measure for success

Our services are connected across Integrated Care Systems through a secure integrated care record with up to date data including personal data, diagnosis, allergies, medicines and care plans.

Measured through systems adoption and service user, carer and staff feedback on the quality of care.


Now: Where we are at the moment

Our systems are not reliable enough and service users can’t connect to their care plans

  • Limited deployment of offline mobile apps for service users and staff to update care records
  • Remote care and physical observations systems are all in limited deployment
  • Systems are not consistently configured to be always available

Future: Where we want to be

We connect our service users and staff to secure and reliable systems that are flexible, accessible and offer more choice in how care is accessed and delivered

Measure: How we will measure for success

Our systems are cyber secure and are configured to be accessible offline and always available for service users and staff.

Measured through systems adoption, penetration tests, digital maturity evaluations, outage reports, Data Security Protection Toolkit and feedback.


Now: Where we are at the moment

Our data is not visible enough to inform service users and staff

  • There is no consistent information reporting system
  • No operational dashboards in place displaying key information to empower service leads
  • Service users and staff both report that they do not have sufficient information available to them

Future: Where we want to be

We inform our service users and staff through data that remains private and is used and shared for the purpose of health and social care only

Measure: How we will measure for success

Our workforce and service leads have descriptive and predictive data dashboards available to them. Our service users can track their own healthcare through information shared with them. Our region wide population health data is available.

Measured through systems adoption, reduced manual processes for data modelling and service user and workforce feedback.