Welcome to MPFT Digital, the home of digital services for Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

MPFT Digital's vision is to enhance care through digital innovation, with 3 ambitions that make up this vision:

  • Our service users and staff experience an NHS and social care that acts as one, working in seamless partnership with 3rd sector colleagues across all care settings through the processes we digitise
  • We connect our service users and staff to secure and reliable systems that are flexible, accessible and offer more choice in how care is accessed and delivered
  • We inform our service users and staff through data that remains private and is used and shared for the purpose of health and social care only

We hope the information contained within this section of the site will help you find out about digital within MPFT, and support you in your own use of digital technologies when engaging with our services.

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List of blogs

  • Welcome to the December edition of the DCF Programme Update where we go through what we’ve been working on during October and November, and what’s coming up next. Since the last edition of the Programme Update, we have seen Patients Know Best (PKB) Phase 2 go live on the 2nd of December with Eating Disorders, Perinatal Mental Health and District Nursing. PKB helps Health and Social Care Providers bring together patient data and it provides one secure Personal Health Record for the patient that integrates with the NHS App.

  • Coming soon: Major updates to the MPFT Referral Portal As part of the Digital Capabilities Framework (DCF) Programme, MPFT Digital have been working on multiple significant updates to the MPFT Referral Portal, which is the primary referral platform used in the Trust. We currently have 6 services using the portal, who have collectively received over 50,000 referrals since its inception in January 2023.

  • BENEFITS REALISATION: Managing Benefits Training for Digital Staff A number of key MPFT digital staff have completed “Managing Benefits Training.” This training is designed to help get the best out of digital projects and systems. By undertaking this training, our staff can effectively track, measure, and maximize the value of digital investments. This is particularly significant as MPFT continues to invest in digital transformation. The ability to manage benefits ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that the organization reaps the maximum possible returns from its digital ventures. As a result, MPFT is well-positioned to get the best from digital technologies to improve patient outcomes, and drive sustainable growth.

  • Digital innovation has enabled the transformation of community adult mental health services, supporting the way patients access and interact with their healthcare providers and healthcare information. This has enabled patients to have access to the information they need and share with other care providers to enhance the quality of care their receive.