The service is made up of the universal team, the strengthening families team and specialist roles. In addition, our School Training Team are able to offer virtual awareness sessions to school staff on a variety of subjects - see the 'School Training Team' section below for further details.
To find out more about the individual roles visit our Meet the Team section.
All families will be offered:
- An antenatal contact from the Health Visiting team
- A new birth visit at home
- A 6 week development review in clinic
- A 9-12 month development review
- A 2 -2.5 year development review - If the child is in a child care setting they will also receive a progress review which is completed by the setting. Further information can be found by following the link: 2 year integrated review - Staffordshire County Council
- Reception health e-leaflet
- Weight and measurement for children in reception and year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.
Families requiring extra support will have a named Health Visitor or School Nurse from the strengthening families team.
Parents and young people can refer themselves to our services by calling their local hub on the numbers below. They can also access our service by texting Chat Health within What we offer, or by attending one of our drop ins (Drop in schedule (5-19)) or Well Baby Clinics.
SWAY Newsletters:
SWAY can be viewed from a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. SWAY is compatible with most accessibility and translation tools. There is also the ability to print if you prefer to view this way.
Latest edition:
PDF Versions:
If you require a previous edition in a different format, please contact the Families' Health and Wellbeing service - contact details below.
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Spring 2021 (pdf)
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Summer 2021 (pdf)
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Autumn 2021 (pdf)
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Spring 2022
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Autumn Edition 2022 (pdf)
- Families' Health and Wellbeing - Winter Edition Jan 2023 (pdf)
If you would like to refer someone to our service please complete and return our Families’ Health & Well Being Service (0-19) Referral Form to the FHWS 0-19 Hub email address:
The FHWS 0-19 Hub covers all County Districts including: East Staffs, Cannock, Lichfield, Rugeley, Tamworth, Moorlands, Newcastle, South Staffordshire and Stafford.
For referrals from the midwifery service please complete the FHWS Midwifery Referral Form and return via email to:
If you are a professional and would like to share information with our service please complete the Communications Form and return to:
If you are concerned about a child in Staffordshire please visit Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board.
The Schools Training Team delivers virtual awareness sessions to school staff as part of the Families' Health and Wellbeing Service (0-19). For further information visit their dedicated section of this website Schools Training Team - Staffordshire County Council.